Not Hired

I did NOT get the job.
So it look’s as though God’s plan is cruising along just fine!
My “human” side wants to go on about some of the “politics” involved in the selection process.  According to the paperwork,  I was the only one actually qualified for the job as it was advertised. A key hiring official told me they were surprised with what the Administrative Officer ultimately decided.  Out of the seven applicants, he thought I had it nailed.
But let’s stop and think. If that really is the case, then God must have better things in mind for me.  I really do belive that.  As a matter of fact, I see this opening up other opportunities in the future.
In addition to that, what about the guy who DID get the job?  He’s a family-man like myself.  I really like him and I think that he’ll do great.  I called to congratulate him and told him that if he had any questions, I’d help him in any way that I could.  It’s so awesome (and  liberating) to be able to rejoice with someone even though they “beat” me out of a job. God is obviously taking care of both of us. Isn’t that great?

Remember, just because things don’t go like we were expecting (or hoping), it doesn’t mean that they weren’t supposed to go that way.
Our contentment -and our JOY, for that matter, should not depend on whether or not things go our way.  Often, in hindsight, we’ll find that things happened exactly like they should have.

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